Health Insurance

It is compulsory to have a health insurance while living in Türkiye. You cannot apply for a residence permit without a valid insurance that covers your intended period of stay here. You can choose one of the health insurance options below:
1. General Health Insurance by SGK (Turkish Social Security Institution)
2. Social Security agreements between certain countries and SGK
3. Private health insurance in your home country or in Türkiye

  1. General Health Insurance by SGK
    SGK (Turkish Social Security Institution) is the government institution that provides general healthcare services in Türkiye. You can obtain General Health Insurance (GSS) provided by SGK by paying a monthly “minimum premium amount". The General Health Insurance allows you to benefit from the state hospitals and medical centres for free and some private hospitals with a discount. Enquire if the hospital has an agreement with SGK in advance.
    See for further details of the insurance coverage.
    Students are required to apply in person to the SGK Directorate in Istanbul within 90 days upon official registration at the university in order to benefit from the GSS.
    International faculty members/staff are eligible for SGK coverage 60 days after their employment. Please contact regarding your enquiries, and for necessary paperwork for your application.
  2. Social Security agreements between certain countries and Turkish Social Security Institution

Turkish Social Security Institution has social security agreements with below mentioned countries:

Country  Agreement Code 
Germany A/T 11, A/T 12, A/T 23
Austria A/TR 3, A/TR3-A, TR/A6
The Netherlands N/TUR 106, N/TUR 111, N/TUR 112
Belgium BT.8, BT.10
T. R. N. C. K.K.T.C. / T.C. 3, K.K.T.C. / T.C. 5
Macedonia MC/TR 4, TR/MC 10
Romania R/TR 3
Albania AL/TR 4, AL/TR 10
Bosnia BH/TR4, BH/TR5
Czech Republic CZ/TR 111, CZ/TR 112
Luxembourg L/TR 3
            France             SE 208-01 FT, SE 208-02 FT SE 208-30 FT, SE

208-06 A FT, SE   208-28 FT,SE 208-09 FT


For further information visit:

3. Private health insurance in your home country or in Türkiye

Another option is to purchase health insurance from a private company in Türkiye or back in your home country.