Turkish Language Support

TÖMER (Turkish and Foreign Languages Application and Research Center)

Turkish and Foreign Languages Application and Research Center at Yıldız Technical University is a unit that provides Turkish teaching services to students and staff who want to learn Turkish as a foreign language http://www.tomer.yildiz.edu.tr/?lang=en


İSMEK is İstanbul Municipality’s lifelong learning centre which offers a wide variety of courses and trainings in diverse fields, ranging from language courses, to aromatherapy, and skills to increase employability. İSMEK offers Turkish courses designed for foreigners free of charge, beginning from A1 level to C1, as well as courses on reading, speaking and correct pronunciation. Visit https://enstitu.ibb.istanbul/portal/egitim_alanlari.aspx?bolumId=47&alanId=90 to see the courses offered and enrol.