Cancelling Contracts and Legal Subscriptions

Insurance: Please review your insurance policy for details on terminating your contract and any possible reimbursements.

Housing: Notify the Housing Office of your intended leave in advance if you have chosen to stay in an on campus accommodation. They will inform you regarding the necessary procedures vacating your apartment/room.

Utility subscriptions: You do not need to cancel any utility subscriptions (electricity, gas, wireless internet connection etc.) for your on campus accommodation as these services are included in YTU’s housing services. However, note that if you have initiated any personal subscriptions you are expected to cancel them yourself.

The library: Please be reminded to return the books that you have checked-out from the library. You can sign-in on your library account to see if there are any books checked-out on your name at

Bank account:
You may visit your bank to cancel your bank account. Keep in mind that in most cases this can also be done online, without having to visit the bank.